

Kisser Paludan is a spiritual psychologist and one of Denmark’s most acknowledged experts within Self-love, Courage and The Enneagram. Kisser has a love for the great spiritual text “A Course in Miracles”, which is, along with The Enneagram, the basis of everything she does.

Kisser combines psychology and spirituality, believing that the whole journey, is really a journey home to our true authentic loving being. 

Kisser Paludan has published 4 books; Couple´s life with Children, Love who you are, Courage to be you, and Conscious Parenting. In the popular Danish TV show, Good Morning Denmark, she has been a permanent expert, and a columnist in different magazines and newspapers. Furthermore, Kisser is an acknowledged public speaker and lecturer. In 2017 she started the podcast series SOULTALK, that has over 25.000 monthly downloads,- more than a million all together.

Kisser is also a trained therapist, combining psychology and spirituality. Kisser is an Enneagramteacher and uses the Enneagram in her therapy and group work.

In addition to this, Paludan teaches and facilitates groups through deep inner work related to self-love, courage and living a love based life. She’s a spiritual mentor for groups all over the country focusing on self-love, and every year she organizes retreats on Bali and Southern Europe. Kisser Paludan is a passionate and dedicated psychologist, mother, wife, teacher, writer and also always a student of life. She holds a master’s degree in Psychology.

Before Kisser studied Psychology, she studied history of religion and anthropology. She has worked with personal development for more than 35 years – both privately and professionally. Kisser combines psychology with a spiritual view of life. She sees and meets people from the potential of their soul and therefore looks behind the immediate blockages and into the light and love. Psychological and spiritual development is her big life passion and she has devoted her life to contributing to paths that will lead us from our unconscious patterns and resolve blocks and open to love, meaning and joy.

Privately Kisser is married and has two grown-up children, loves travelling and is also privately very passionate about inner groth.

On-line coaching/mentoring, workshops and retreats with Kisser Paludan

Kisser offers coaching on zoom and has workshops and retreats around the world. Contact her for more information at kisser@paludan.dk


This podcast is an invitation to inspire to a life of inner peace, self-love, strength, balance, joy and presence. Soultalk has more than one million downloads and is growing all the time. Soultalk has episodes in both English and Danish and is to be found on Spotify, Itunes, Mofibo and Podimo.

Please follow this link to visit SOUL TALK GLOBAL


Visit https://www.youtube.com/soultalkglobal for video interviews with thought leaders around the Globe.

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2900 Hellerup

+45 24220896


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